Electronical editing of pictures.

On this page I've earlier told I've edited photos electronically. Most of the time it was quite simpel, like cutting pieces out of photos and saving those pieces, changing the contrast and brightness, and so on.. Bij using another way of editing photos, as told in the Zenit, a dutch astronomical magazine, you can cut out the background of pictures.

Why would you cut out hte background of pictures? Often you'll see at pictures of the stars a sort of white clouds. This is because of the lens of the photocamera. With the help of Paint Shop Pro you can apply the special effect erode on the photo, and only the background remains. This picture you save on another filename. Now take the original picture, go to the menu image, and select arithmetics. Here you can select two images, and subtract and distract from eachother.For the source image 1 you'll take the original picture, and for the source image 2 the picrure of the background. Subtract these from eachother and see the result.

What I've tried to explain I've tried myself, compare picture 1:


with picture 2:


The difference is clearly visible. I think that vague skyobjects also have disappeared, but the stars are very clear.

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