Nice of you to visit this homepage. There are some photos on this homepage I've made of the universe. I find the universe very interesting. That's why I've become volunteer of an observatory, with the name
Simon Stevin
in Hoeven. This is a sort of educational/entertaining institute.
Some of the photo's on this page I've made with a telescope, but others also without. Sometimes you see the most beautiful pictures in the papers and in books. Most of these are made with huge telescopes. But you can make nice pictures yourself without too expensive equipment. Just have a look at my photo's of
These are made with a normal mirrorreflexcamera, I don't know if this is the exact word, I don't think so, but it isn't a automatic camera. Quite a lot people will have this sort of camera. Unfortunately aren't automatic cameras fit for astrophotografy.
picture's of the moon
picture of Hale-Bopp
pictures of the sun
other pictures
Links to other pages
Fases of the moon
electronic editing of starphotos
some information about myself
This page was made with the help of Hotdog 3.0 .
Last changes made on November 5, 1997.