Information about myself
Like you may have seen, I like astronomy very much, that's why I've become volunteer on the observatory of Simon Stevin
in Hoeven.
You can find me there some saturdayenevings in a mont. Because I life quite far from the observatory, I can't come too often.
I go to school to a gymnasium, called 't Rijks, a school in Bergen op Zoom, the Netherlands. I myself live in Hoogerheide.
I'm 16 years old and I'm in the 5th grade. I don't like homework, but it has to be done.
I can handle the computer, and of course I like to spend my time to computergames.
At home I've got a telescope. I've build it myself. Because I live in Hoogerheide, which is a few kilometers from the Belgian borders, I can't see many stars because of the lights from Antwerp.
In a couple of years I like to go to an university, I'll probably follow a technical course.
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