If you look now and then to the moon, you'll have noticed the moon looks each time different. It seems each day a part of the moon disappears or that the moon gets bigger. Of course this isn't the case. The moon is just a large white ball. But, just like the earth turns around the sun, the moon turns around the earth. This takes about 28 days. Next animation will help me to explain things to you.
You see the moon turns around the earth. Bij clicking on the moon, you can see how the moon looks on the moment you clicked on it.
On one side of the earth the sun shines. On the other side it is night. This is the same with the moon. But because the moon turns around the earth, we constantly see the line of shadow chance. So when the moon is behind the earth, we see the whole side of the moon what is lightened by the sun. When the moon is on the other side of the earth, we only see the dark side of the moon.
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