At this first picture you can see the tail very well. I've put my camera on a statif, put a 400 ASA blackwhitefilm in the camera, and then started taking pictures. I've exposed the film 9,5 seconds. This picture and the one below are zoomed-in. They are both made at the same night.

This picture seems a little over-exposed. This is not the case, it was at first a little onder-exposed. Because of that the tail couldn't be seen clearly. With the help of a grafical programme I've made the contrast a little better, but because of that the whole picture has become a little lighter.

The same friend who has made a clickable moonmap, has also collected more pictures of other volunteers of the observatory of Hale-Bopp Some of those pictures are made through a telescoop of the observatory Simon Stevin in Hoeven.
This picture I've made with the help of an 80 mm telelens. There isn't much difference with the previous pictures. The film I've used is a 400 ASA black white film, and it is 15 seconds exposed.

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