On this page are other photos than about objects like the moon, the sun and Hale-Bopp. The first picture is a photo I've made through the Zeiss telescope of the Observatory
Simon Stevin
On this picture you can see Saturn. Because when you take a picture in the focus of a telescope, the object becomes very small. On the negatif there was only a small point. It turned out to be Saturn. There aren't many details. The picture here I've changed a little, so you can see the rings better. On the real picture, you can see when you click this picture, the rings aren't very clearly.
This is the same picture as the first, but this one is negative, so you can see the rings better.
The next picture is a picture from the stars that can be seen in Crete, Where I've spend my last holiday. The film I've used was a 400 ASA black-white film. I've only exposed the film a couple minutes.
This picture I've edited later after reading an artikel in the Zenit. This artikel was about editing pictures electronically. By pressinghere you'll see the result.
On this picture the constellation of Orion is clearly visible. There are three stars on a row. These are of Orion's belt. Under those stars there is another row of three stars. The middle one of these stars is the famous Orion nebula. You can see this nebula very good with your eyes. It's a pity Orion can only be seen in wintertime.
The original picture was coloured, but I only have a greyscale scanner. That's a pity, because, the stars have colours, and now you can't see them.
On this picture there are again many stars visible. This one I've made at home. It is exposed a couple of minutes.
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