On this page there are some photos I've made of the sun.
Warning: never look without protection to the sun!!!
This can cause heavy damage to your eyes. You can make photo's of the sun, but then you'll have to expose the film very short to the sun. There are also filters available. The sun is beautiful to bee seen through a telescope, but then you'll have to make use of a filter.
At the moment I haven't got many photographs of the sun. The only one is of a solar eclipse, what has happened a couple of years ago in the Netherlands. The picture was made without a filter, and very shortly exposed.

A new picture of the sun, made through my own telescope. It is in black-white, because when I took the photo, there was only a black and white film in my photocamera. Sun-spots can be seen:

Under here you can see a zoomed-in and a little edited photo of the two sun-spots, to be seen on the last photo. The small spots what can be seen all over the surface are probably granuls, but I'm not sure.

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